When your forever friend flys you up to Illinois to capture her family and 8 day old newborn, you don’t turn it down. I LOVE getting to shoot outside of Florida. I was like a kid in a candy shop. Actual forests, that really soft grass, and CORN! Lot’s of corn fields. These photos make me happy for so many reasons. Having a friend that supports and values your business wholeheartedly is foremost, but capturing your friend thriving while being such an amazing mother and wife is everything to me.

family, forest, trees, sun flare, newborn newborn, basket, blue, natural mom, baby, rock, lake, beach, sand baby, newborn, boy, blue, portrait, smile father, son, corn, newborn, blue family, trees, forest, grass, newborn portrait, family, blue, boy mom, baby, son, rock, water, beach, sand basket, baby, newborn, rug, boy family, mom, dad, corn, country, baby mom, baby, son, sun flare, trees, nature family, mom, dad, baby, son, smiles newborn, hello, rug, pattern, baby, boy father, son, playing, sun flare, trees mom, son, newborn, baby, portrait, water, sand, lake family, rock, water, pond, sand, lake baby, boy, newborn, blue family, walking, holding hands, forest, sunlight sunset, silhouette, forest, trees, shadows


Ahhhhhhhhh! I’m obsessed!!!!!