I wanted to wait a little while before posting this blog to really reflect on this incredible moment I was able to capture. The backstory- Kayla and I met during her first maternity session back in 2015 when she was pregnant with her first son, Zander. Fast forward 4 years later, another baby boy, and at least a dozen sessions in between which brings us to this moment. Kayla had asked me once she found out she was expecting her third baby if I would capture his birth. I agreed and we both crossed our fingers that I would be available and not shooting a wedding when she went into labor. As baby #3’s due date came and went, my anxiety was through the roof! How was I going to react in this situation I’ve never been a part of? Am I okay around blood? Am I going to have a panic attack? The unknown is not something I’m a fan of. I pushed my nerves aside because I knew I owed this to Kayla to at least try and give it my best shot, literally. On February 28th at a quarter past midnight, I received a text saying “it’s go time”! I grabbed my camera bag and raced downtown. I was already dressed because I had been sleeping in my clothes the past couple of nights to make sure I could jump up and head to the hospital at the drop of a hat. I walked through the door as Kayla was in the final stages of pushing and there he was, Rylan Jude Falter! Born at 12:54 AM, 7 lbs 12 oz, and 20.5 inches long, he was perfect! To answer your question, not only was I was totally fine, but I actually said out loud, “that was awesome!”. The next two hours I spent with the Falters capturing the blur of moments that was that early morning. So many emotions and memories that made my 27th birthday unforgettable. Oh, did I forgot to mention that Rylan and I are birthday buddies?! I left the hospital a little after 3am and had a smile on my face the entire drive home. This life we’re all living is truly one big ole’ miracle. Kayla, thank you for trusting me to capture these moments for you. Watching you these past couple of years being the greatest mother to your two boys and then bringing the third one into the world NATURALLY, yes, without any doctor interference or drugs, has me forever in awe of your strength, resilience, and straight up badass-ness. Two weeks later I came back for Rylan’s newborn session and my heart just exploded. I can’t handle all the cuteness of the Falter boy trio and I’m looking forward to watching them grow.

“Time truly does stand still in these moments. Nothing could ever feel more right, more raw, more perfect. The love that pours out of a mother during these first few moments can simply not be defined properly. Pure. Magic. RJF, my smallest baby, my longest pregnancy, my only baby that was born not crying (perfectly healthy just quietly observing the world around him), and so far, my most chill and content baby. His brothers are so in love with him. Zander is always asking us if he can live in our home and stay here forever and Flynn just wants to kiss him all day. I’m quite in love with him myself – the kind of love where I wake up with a terrible neck ache because I fell asleep staring at him, again.” -Kayla Falter

Newborn Session